--Body parts---B-
bib mooly
beeb mool : nipple of breast (Indar, Joowel, Baiungan; Bates XII 2B, 1b)
bīb mălya : nipple of breast, breast “nose” (Jakbăm, Bumblefoot; Bates XII 2B, 3b)
beeb mulya : nipple of breast (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
beeb moil : nipple of breast (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
bīb moil : nipple of breast (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
piip-mualy : nipple (Von Brandenstein 1988: 53)