
nyinang, noonang, nyoondak


your, yours


nyinăng : yours (Jakbăm, Bumblefoot; Bates XII 2B, 3b)
nyinnung : your, yours (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
nyinăng : yours (Kaiari, Wirijan; BATES XII 2B, 8b)
ngain neeja : yours (this is mine) (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
nyinang : your, yours (Notum, Wirijan, Kaiar; Bates XII 2B, 8a)
ńundrilou͑ : yours (Gordon Harris; von Brandenstein 1970)
ńu͑ndu͑loŭ : your (Gordon Harris; von Brandenstein 1970)
niunalaq : yours, thine (Von Brandenstein 1988: 27)
niunaŋ : of you, with you (Cha) (Von Brandenstein 1988: 27)
niundulau : yours, thine (Von Brandenstein 1988: 28)
nyoonduk, nyinnok : your, yours (Baiungan; Bates XII 2B, 1b)
nyoonduk allik : yours (that’s yours) (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
nyoonok, nyinnok : your (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
nyindăk : your (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
nyūndăk : your (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)

nunong : yours; nunong kord wa? = your wife where? (Jakbăm, Bumblefoot; Bates XII 2B, 3b)
alluk noonong yog : wife, is that your? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
noonong ? : is that your – ? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
alle nyinduk kwerrurt : daughter, is that your? (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
ngain yinok babin, ngabin : friend, I am your (Notum, Wirijan, Kaiar; Bates XII 2B, 8a)
ngeen yinnok boojoor : country, what is the name of your? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
nyinduk boojur wa : country, what is the name of your? (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
nyindăk bujăr wâ : your country where (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
yinok bujur winjal : country, where is your? (Notum, Wirijan, Kaiar; Bates XII 2B, 8a)
winjal yinnok kal : country, where is your? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
nyinok kai winjal : country, what is the name of your? (Notum, Wirijan, Kaiar; Bates XII 2B, 8a)
winjal yinnok koolong : children, where are your? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
nyinok kulong wingal : children, where are your? (Notum, Wirijan, Kaiar; Bates XII 2B, 8a)