





in-djalla, wingalla, winjal : where (Grey 1839)
in-je, wingee : where (Grey 1839)
Winji. : Whither (Moore 1842: 168)
Winjalla; Winji. : Where (Moore 1842: 168)
Win-ji, Win-jal, Yan : Where (Symmons 1842: 12)
Winji. : Whither (Moore 1884: 117)
Winjalla; Winji. : Where (Moore 1884: 117)
Winjal, injal : Where (Baaburgurt (Bulyen/George Eliot); Bates XII 2B, 13: 37)
Winjal : Where (Balbuk; Bates XII 2B, 15: 40)
Winjal : Where (Bardeet; Bates XII 2B, 6: 27)
Winjal : Where (Bardil; Bates XII 2B, 10: 29)
Wandee : Where (Beedagooroo; Bates XII 2B, 19: 13)
Winjal, jel, wa : Where (Boordenam, Beereenan, Boongong, Werdabirt; Bates XII 2B, 4 : 28)
Winjal : Where (Monnop, Ballarruk; Bates XII 2B, 24: 31)
māt winjal : track where (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
winja : where (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
winja gooling nyinduk : where are you going? (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
winja guling nyindăk : where are you going, where go you (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
winja, wa : where (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
winjagul : where (has he) gone (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
winjal nyindăk kulinin : where (do) you come from (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
winjal nyinduk koolinin : come from, where do you? (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
Winjee : Where (Ngalyart (Sarah Karil); Bates XII 2B, 9 : 37)
Injal, winjee : Where (Ngilgee; Bates XII 2B, 12a: 40)
Injal, winji : Where (Ngilgi; Bates XII 2B, 12b: 14)
Winjal, winji, inji : Where (Ngilgi; Bates XII 2B, 12b: 34)
Winjal : Where (Ngilgi; Bates XII 2B, 12c: 5)
nyinok kai winjal : country, what is the name of your? (Notum, Wirijan, Kaiar; Bates XII 2B, 8a)
winjal : where (Notum, Wirijan, Kaiar; Bates XII 2B, 8a)
yinok winjong guilng : come from, where do you? (Notum, Wirijan, Kaiar; Bates XII 2B, 8a)
Winjal, wâ : Where (Waienburt, Banyaitch; Bates XII 2B, 21: 19)
Jel : where (Waienburt, Banyaitch; Bates XII 2B, 21: 8)
winjal : where (Waienburt, Banyaitch; Bates XII 2B, 21: 8)
Ngoonjal? : Where (Woolberr; Bates XII 2B, 17: 32)
winjal, winj : where (Deebungool; Bates XII 2B, 1a)
winjal, winji : where (Jakbăm, Bumblefoot; Bates XII 2B, 3b)
doolgoytch maia winjee : white man’s house, where is the? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XII 2B, 3a)
winjal yinnok kal : country, where is your? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XII 2B, 3a)
winjal yinnok kal, yinnok kal wa : come from, where do you? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XII 2B, 3a)
winjee maat : track, where is the? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XII 2B, 3a)
Winjal? : Where (Joobaitch aka Ngoorweel; Bates XII 2B, 14: 42)
winjal : where (Kaiari, Wirijan; Bates XII 2B, 8b)
Winjal : Where (Kajaman; Bates XII 2B, 11: 37)
Wandhaa : Where (Kajjilgarra; Bates XII 2B, 23: 19)
injal : where (Bussell 1930: 56)
injal : where (Bussell 1930: 65)
injal, injalar : where (Bussell 1930: 8)
Wanthella : Where (Terry, F; Hamersley V (Old Settlers of WA) 1949: 67)
windjar : where (Tommy Cowan, Tommy Kickett (O’Grady) 1960)
wintja? : where? (Douglas 1968: 101)
wäindyal : where? (Von Brandenstein 1988: 122)
wäindyuŋ : where from? (Von Brandenstein 1988: 122)
wiindyal : where? (Von Brandenstein 1988: 129)
windjang? : whence (from where)? (Douglas 1991: 34)
windjang? : whence? (from where?) (Douglas 1991: 34)
windjak? : where at? (Douglas 1991: 34)
windjam, windjak? : where? (Douglas 1991: 34)
windjar : where (Roberts; McCabe and Miniter 2001)
Windja? : whither? (Mippy (Rooney) 2002: 325)
Windji? : where? (Mippy (Rooney) 2002: 325)
winguk : where (C.C. Gray nd: 1)
Winjar : where (Davis n.d: 8)