Boola boolarla

  • Song: Boola Boolarla
  • Singer: Ngilgian
  • Location: Augusta region
  • Recorded By: Daisy Bates

Another dream or Koorannup song from the Augusta district is strangely reminiscent of “The little old woman who lived in a shoe.”
Boola boorlala, boola boolarla,
Dunnungana jeeda walgarin nooba,
Ngauja-ga boolarabin.
(Oh, father and mother, I have so many children, like birds they are so many. I can’t rear them up.)


Another dream or Koorannup song from the Augusta district is strangely reminiscent of “The little old woman who lived in a shoe.”
Boola boorlala, boola boolarla,
Dunnungana jeeda walgarin nooba,
Ngauja-ga boolarabin.
(Oh, father and mother, I have so many children, like birds they are so many. I can’t rear them up.)

Kooranup Song.

Boola Boolarla {twice} dun’ong ana jeeda
Oh Father & Mother I have so many

From (Kooranup Walgarui)
Nooba Nadja ga boola’rabin
Children I cant tell you, {twice}, as many (like birds) that I cant rear them up
This is a Kooranup Song & when it is passed on it is purchased. [??]

Kooranup Song

The following song is highly interesting from its strong resemblance to the old nursery rhyme of the little woman who “had so many children”

Boola boolarla, boola boolarla,
Doona ngana jeeda walgarin
Nooba ngyja-ga boolarr’obin, ngyjaga boolarr’obin

Translation -:
Oh Father and Mother I have so many children, so many, like birds, that I can’t rear them up.

This is a Kooranup song. All Kooranup songs are bought by the tribes desiring to sing them from those tribes which composed them.